Cultural Experience| The social experience and cultural perception for Chinese and Foreign students in the International College

日期:2020年11月15日 15:29:08   来源: 国际学院

In order to further implement the "Three Aspects of Education", let Chinese and foreign students deeply experience Chinese social life and Chinese excellent traditional culture, and enhance the learning exchanges between teachers, students and students, our school launched the "The social experience and cultural perception for Chinese and Foreign students in the International College" on November 13, representatives of teachers and students of Intenational College participated in the team building activities.

Group photo of all teachers and students visiting Huayang Lake

The first stop of the event is Huayang Lake Wetland Park, which is known as the "Urban Green Lung" of Dongguan. As soon as they arrived at the gate of Huayang Lake Scenic Area, all teachers and students were divided into eight groups by lottery. The eight groups started the team building mode of "picnic leisure + group game competition" in the beautiful scenery surrounded by Huayang Lake. The eight groups first launched the "you come to sign, I will guess" competition. The team cooperated to complete the word guess and answer within the time limit of three minutes. Teachers and Chinese and foreign students joined forces in this game. The performance of each group Both are excellent. The second item of the game competition is "The Best in the World". Each group sends one member to compete for the "biggest", "longest", "fastest", etc. in each round. During the competition, each group shows its power and wisdom. Fighting courage, cheers and laughter are endless in this beautiful scenery of Huayang Lake.

"you come to sign, I will guess"group competition

"Best in the world" and "fastest" team competition

"The World's Best" and "The Most Powerful" Team Competition

The second stop of the event was "Dongguan Keyuan", one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong. Keyuan has the garden complex in the bones of the Chinese, the story of the rise and fall of the Zhang family of Keyuan, the pen and ink feelings of the literati painter, and the vibrant Lingnan style of painting. Most of the teachers and students who visited the team said that it was the first time to set foot on the resort of Keyuan. Many teachers and students sighed the beauty of Keyuan's architecture and artistic conception during the visit. Among them, Daniel, an international student from Spain, said in admiration: I saw such a house for the first time in China. The architecture and scenery here are really beautiful.

Chinese and foreign students visit Keyuan

Group photo of all teachers and students visiting Keyuan

Adhering to the original aspiration and concept of "Three Aspects of Education", this event deepened the diverse experience and understanding of Chinese culture among Chinese and foreign students, and also wrote a new chapter in the friendly exchanges between Chinese and foreign teachers and students in our college. The team building activity has come to a successful conclusion, but the social experience and cultural perception of Chinese and foreign students will never stop.