踔厉奋发 再创新高 | 我们开学啦!

日期:2024年09月11日 10:03:01   来源:


On the morning of September 9, the opening ceremony of the language students of the International College for the fall semester of 2024 and the first class of the semester were held at the Guancheng campus of DGUT. 45 overseas students from 24 countries including the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Vietnam, Japan, and South Korea, with their expectations and love for Chinese language and culture, officially started their wonderful career at DGUT in the autumn season . Li Huan, Acting  Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department, Chen Baiman, Deputy Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department and Vice Dean of the International College, and all faculty and staff of the International College attended the opening ceremony and witnessed this important moment together.


This semester, the number of international students enrolled in the International College and their places of origin have reached new highs compared to the spring semester of 2024, and have set a new record since the establishment of the International College. This indicates that the level of international student education in the International College has reached a new level, and it also puts forward higher requirements for the future work of the college.




Chen Baiman delivered a welcome speech, expressing warm welcome and sincere greetings to all international students in China, and introduced the university's history to the international students, encouraging them to constantly improve their Chinese skills, fully experience Dongguan culture and Lingnan customs, and appreciate the profoundness of Chinese culture. The students listened attentively, their eyes full of curiosity and expectation.





The school emblem not only symbolizes the identity of DGUTers, but also carries the school's expectations and blessings for every student.  The international student representative, with a smile on his face, solemnly took the school emblem representing the culture and spirit of Dongguan Institute of Technology from Acting Director Li Huan and carefully wore it on his chest.




As a teacher representative, Ms. Sun Liming encouraged international students to cherish their study time in the International College, make full use of their time, plan rationally, take on challenges, and constantly improve their Chinese proficiency and cross-cultural communication skills. Ms. Sun's speech was full of earnest expectations and good wishes, and the students present were deeply encouraged.




来华留学生们来自不同的国家和地区,带着各自的文化背景和语言特色,在热情介绍自己的同时纷纷感谢学校提供的学习和交流的平台,美国学生HADDEN KENNETH DAVID激动地表示:“我喜欢中国!”哥伦比亚学生OSPINA VALENCIA LUNA MARIANA用中文热情地说道:“欢迎同学们!"留学生们热情洋溢的自我介绍感染了在座的每一位老师和同学,会场内洋溢着欢乐的氛围。

The international students in China come from different countries and regions, with their own cultural backgrounds and language characteristics. While introducing themselves enthusiastically, they all thanked the school for providing a platform for learning and communication. American student HADDEN KENNETH DAVID excitedly said, "I love China!" Colombian student OSPINA VALENCIA LUNA MARIANA said enthusiastically in Chinese, "Welcome, students!" The enthusiastic self-introductions of the international students infected every teacher and student present, and the venue was filled with a joyful atmosphere.




As the first lesson of the new semester, teacher Chen Hai Dan introduced the campus safety regulations and precautions in detail, reminding everyone to pay attention to personal safety and abide by school rules and regulations. This session allowed students to better understand the college's safety measures and enhance their safety awareness and self-protection ability.



Under the guidance and leadership of the teachers, the international students strolled along the tree-lined paths, admired the school's facilities and cultural atmosphere, and visited the library, Talent Star and other places. This visit gave the international students a preliminary understanding of the learning and living environment, and made them fully prepared for their future study and life.




In the new semester, the International College will continue to enhance its international education strength, expand and innovate international cultural activities, continue to serve as a window for international students to perceive Chinese language and culture, strive to tell more and more exciting Chinese stories, and fully train international students to become Chinese cultural ambassadors who "know China, love China, and are friendly to China."

