国际学生办理临时住宿登记及居留许可指南Student Registration & Resident permit

日期:2022年12月15日 10:57:47   来源:

Step1: Process for Registration in Police station near the your living place to get the 境外人员临时住宿登记表Temporary residence registration form (Original)with your:

1.护照Passportoriginal, and three copies of: first page with your personal information, pages of your latest exit/entry stamps, and visa page)

2.大一寸蓝底照片和照片回执 Three identification photos (the foreigner photo in blue background) with receipt.

3.住房合同/租赁证2The house contract (and 2 copies )

如果你住学校宿舍,学校会提供校内住宿证明给你 OR If you living in dormitory, the accommodation certificate will be provided by school. ( 1original )

4.房东身份证复印件2ID card of Landlord (2 copies )

5. 社区/小区开的居住证明the residentcy paper of you placeto proof you are living there)


Then go to community police station near where you live, to get the 境外人员临时住宿登记表.

Step2: Apply Student visa in 东莞市公安局出入境接待大厅Dongguan Exit and Entry Administration Bureau (Address:东城西路191号)

申请者本人提供Provided by applicant

1. 护照(原件、复印件:首页、最新出入境页、签证页各1份)

Passport (Then Original, And each one copies of : first pagepages of your latest exit/entry stamps, and visa page)

2. 境外临时住宿登记表(原件)

Temporary residence registration form (Original)

3. 健康证(原件、复印件:首页和盖章页)

Health certificate (Original and a copy of front page and stamped page)

4. 外国人签证照片回执(原件)

Foreigner visa photo receipt (Original)

5. 社区/小区开的居住证明the residentcy paper of you placeto proof you are living there) 如果你住学校宿舍,学校会提供校内住宿证明给你 OR If you living in dormitory, the accommodation certificate will be provided by school. ( 1original )

6. 住房合同/租赁证 The 2 copies house contract of your place.

学校提供的材料Materials Provided by University

将会顺丰快递寄出,请提供收件地址和联系电话。(The file will be sent to you through SF Express, please provide your current address and the phone number.)

1. 外国人签证证件申请表(原件)

Visa/Residence Permit Application Form (Original)

2. 202表(第三联)

202 Form

3. 事业单位法人证书(复印件)

Institutional legal person certificate (Copy)

4. 在读证明(原件)

Studying proof certificate issued by the university (Original


Address: No.191, Dongchengxi Road, Guancheng, Dongguan

( QR code for Dongguan Exit-Entry Administration map navigation)


1. 记得要带银联卡或微信支付The Dongguan Exit-Entry Administration do not accept cash payment when submit visa application, please remember bring an UnionPay card of pay by wechat.

2. 如果已获得居留许可,则无需去体检。If you have got the residence permit in China before, then you do not need to do the Medical Examination again.

3. 请先用铅笔填写外国人签证证件申请表,如果不确定是否填写正确,可先发给老师查看,查看无误后再用黑色签字笔填写。Please fill in Visa/Residence Permit Application Form with pencils at first. If you are not sure if it is fill in correct, you ask teachers to check it at first. After checking, you can use a black sign pen to fill in it again.

4. 所有材料每位学生只发送一份,请妥善保管。All materials only  have one for each student, please keep it safe, it will not be reissued.